Aronov D. I.*,
Klyagin V. A.**
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
*e-mail: dimitri.aronov@yandex.ru
**e-mail: kliagin@mail.ru
The aerial vehicle external surface aerodynamic heating is one of significant practical problems of high-speed aircraft developing. To ensure the aircraft functioning, it is being supposed to apply a thermal protection system (TPS), consisting of active cooling sections, passive heat «shields», circulating refrigerant agents’ lines and auxiliary pumping units. For such primarily defined scheme. Let there be an aircraft with the set principal technical layout and fixed flight path, onboard of which the TPS is installed, which structure composition is known. That is, the system «graph» S(V, E) = «V, E» with ordered arrangement of V "node«elements and E «verges»-interactions between them is known. There is a need to form one or several optimality criteria for this predetermined scheme based on the analysis of the key external affecting factors, such as heat flow along the flight path, and adopted technical solutions of the TPS itself. The authors propose constructing this problem solution based on the analysis of the TPS components’ weight indicators relationships with their capabilities to the perception of the heat flow level being set. With a given total heat flow Qi, it is possible to represent the basic criterion kI as a ratio of mass mi of the i-th option of the certain system structure to the value of given heat flow. This criterion defines the minimum TSP mass costs, which would ensure normal functionality of the whole airframe and other aircraft constituent parts in dependence of the system design features. The heat flow incoming to the aircraft structure along the flight path is being determined as the result of the experiment or by the analytical solution. For the in-depth analysis of the TPS structuring optimality, the authors suggest employing the extra criterion k2, which characterizes the share of cooling resource of the onboard coolants usage rate, obtained from the pumping pipelines minimum mass condition. The search for the employed cooling resource values is being performed in the mathematical set up of the linear programming transport problem. For this, the TPS is being represented as a «map-scheme» with conditional «suppliers» and «consumers» labels with the paths connecting them, cargo storages values and needs for it, as well as indicators of the optimality criterion (rates, distances etc.) accepted in the problem. In this case, we have a mathematical apparatus of the transport problem with restrictions on the «traffic volumes» and other conditions, for which application the following should be defined:
- The amount of the coolant ai in the i-th «source» (supply), the amount of the coolant bi necessary in the j-th consuming point (demand), the amount of the coolant dk, which the k-type cooling agent is capable of «carrying» (limitation of the total transportation);
- The L(X) goal function being optimized;
- The sum of pipeline mass mijk = cijk from the source to the consumer and necessary extra equipment for the k-th cooling agent (transportation «rates»);
- The volumes (xijk) of the cooling resource «transported» by the cooling agent from the i source to the j consumer.
Criteria k1 and k2, characterizing the TPS minimum mass for the acting heat flow perception, as well as the degree of the onboard liquids cooling resource utilizing, were obtained in the course of preliminary research. Combination of elements of various nature in the system allows setting extra limitations for the elaborated criteria. The authors suggest using criteria expression k3 as an extra parameter of the scientific research in the form of the product of the following parameters:
- The time of i-th structural element (aircraft skin in the first place) staying in the high-temperatures zone, at which strength and durability reduction by 50% and 30% correspondingly is being observed.
- The number of flights Nflights during the assigned service life.
The value of k3 should be less than the reference time τk, selected according to the technical handbooks data. This criterion is indicative of the resourcing degree of separate TPS elements. Thus, as a security of the current studies, as well as more general setting of the optimality assessment issue of the preset TPS system option for the high-speed aerial vehicle, the following items have been developed:
- The k1, criterion characterizing the TPS minimum mass ensuring the aircraft operability;
- The k2, criterion characterizing the maximum share of the cooling resource being activated of the onboard coolants;
- The additional limitation k3, demonstrating conditions for the aircraft skin maximum service life.
active cooling, high-speed aerial vehicle, thermal protection, heat flux
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