Equilibrium temperature of ballistic capsule blunt surface when returning to the earth at a parabolic velocity


Dornyak O. R.*, Popov V. M.*

Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies Named after G.F. Morozov, Voronezh, 394087, Russia

*e-mail: ordornyak@mail.ru


The article considers options of thermal boundary conditions on the solids’ mating surfaces. Practical computations of temperature fields employ most frequently the ideal contact conditions. Specificity of real contact leads to temperature and thermal flow surges at the conditional boundary. The majority of studies of unideal thermal contact of both experimental and theoretical character consider only the temperature surge. The article studies the thermal flow surge impact on the temperature profiles formation in the junction of two diversified materials. The non-stationary one-dimensional conjugate problem for the steel 45-heat-insulating material, based on basalt fibers, contact pair was studied numerically. All thermophysical parameters are considered constant. The thermal flow surge is being determined by thermal resistance coefficients, which values differ by approximately an order of magnitude for the elements of the pair. Computations revealed that accounting for the temperature and thermal flow discontinuity at the conditional mating surface of the bodies subjected to the intensive thermal processing might drastically affect the temperature distribution specifics in contact pairs. Analytical problem solution in stationary setting, obtained in the presented article, was used for the numerical study results verification. This solution may be applied as well for the settled temperature surge prediction at the internal boundary in the contact pair. It was substantiated that this valued was directly proportional to the temperature difference of the heater and fridge, and inversely proportional to the sum of the Bio numbers for the joint elements.


contact heat exchange, boundary conditions of unideal contact, thermal resistance of a contact, mathematical modeling


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