Hydraulic losses and heat transfer of a single tube with surface vortex generators


Baranova T. A.1*, Danilchik E. S.2**, Zhukova Y. V.1, Y. 3, Marshalova G. S.1***, G. 3, Popov I. A.3****, I. 3, Chorny A. D.1*****

1. A. V. Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute of NAS of Belarus, 15 P. Brovka Str., Minsk, 220072, Belarus
2. ,
3. Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev, Kazan, Russia

*e-mail: bartat@tut.by
**e-mail: katya.156.156@gmail.com
***e-mail: galiana.sidorik@icloud.com
****e-mail: popov-igor-alex@yandex.ru
*****e-mail: anchor@hmti.ac.by


Currently, there is a vast number of information sources on the heat transfer enhancement by charging the relief in the form of dimples, indents and cavities of various shapes on the heat transfer surface. However, there are still no elaborated recommendations on the place of the dimples placing location and density of their arrangement. The presented article studies the convective thermal exchange of single tubes with vortex generators arranged on their external surface shaped as spherical dimples, with engagement of numerical modeling methods and experimental visualization of the flows. The vortex generators presence changes the flow structure and creates the flow turbulence near the vortex generators, which may lead to the trace length decrease behind the tubes and, as a consequence, hydraulic losses reduction. The article demonstrates that in certain situations the thermal/hydraulic performance of smooth tubes is higher than that of dimpled ones. The results of analysis of the flow structure over single dimpled tubes reveal that vortex structures being formed in the dimples differs depending on their arrangement of the surface.


numerical simulation, experimental study, heat transfer, turbulence, flow control, heat transfer enhancement, single tube, vortex generators


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