Elkin A. V.
Perm National Research Polytechnic University, PNRPU, 29, Komsomolsky Prospekt, Perm, 614990, Russia
e-mail: elkinav237@gmail.com
The purpose of the research is to assess the possibility of using rocket engines on fluidized (powdered) solid propellants as propulsion systems for spacecraft for adjusting the orbits of space objects. This study analyzes various approaches to the supply of powdered fuels in order to design the schemes of various rocket engines on fluidized solid propellants and provide requirements for powdered fuels. The research also covers system for feeding powdered components. The methodology for calculating the fuel supply system is determined. The critical equilibrium velocity of the outflow of various granular materials has been obtained. As a result of the thermodynamic calculation of the fuel compositions considered in this research, the optimal fuel compositions have been determined that can compete with liquid propellant rocket fuels, and are also more environmentally friendly and easy to operate. The actual density of the first composition is approximately 10-15% higher than that of similar liquid propellants. The actual density of the second composition is approximately 1-10% higher than that of similar liquid propellants. The volumetric vacuum specific impulse of the first composition is approximately 10% higher than that of similar liquid propellants. The volumetric vacuum specific impulse of the second composition is approximately the same as that of liquid propellants. Engines on fluidized solid propellants will make spacecraft easier to operate, capable of repeated on and off cycles, environmentally friendly and reliable.
rocket engine, fluidized solid fuel, powdered fuel, spacecraft, multiple-on-off, reliability, environmental friendliness
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