Research of influence of a heat transfer intensifier on an increase of efficiency and economy of a home stove gas burner


Altunin K. V.1*, Badanov N. S.2

1. Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev, Kazan, Russia
2. Institute of Aviation, Land Transport and Energy, KNRTU-KAI, 10, K. Marx str., Kazan, 420111, Russia



The current paper is devoted to new experimental research with a created gas burner that has its own heat transfer intensifier as a metal rod with a thread on its surface being set in a gas-supply channel of a diffusor shape. At the beginning of research an analysis of references and a patent search were carried out. As a result of such work a similar gas burner was found that is known as the socalled Karas’ gas burner, but altogether there is a profound differrence because this similar constructive scheme does not have any metal rod but has its own special surface and an inner structure of a metal lid. Some data concerning natural gas prices are shown at the beginning of the article that inevitably makes us think over a rapid development and following inculcation of leading technology in power supply and energy industries with a goal of fuel economy. During conduction of experiments the gas burner had several types of the heat transfer intensifier such as the metal rod with the thread on its surface without and with special longitudinal slots. Initially there was a hypothesis that suck slots could help to increase a volume of save natural gas. Generally, the experimental results showed that it is just possible to save some percentage of natural gas while heating fresh water until it boils and reaches temperature of boiling at normal atmospheric pressure. i.e., 373 K. Based upon experimental results a new graph of the Nusselt number versus the Reynolds number in logarithmical coordinates has been successfully created, which led to obtain a new heat-transfer equation especially for a case of a circular gas channel. In addition, efficiency of all the gas burners have been calculated and shown as a special graph with necessary data shown in a percentage. It was clear that maximum increment of efficiency is about 5.7%. It is interesting to note that the first stated hypothesis was not proved because two longitudinal slots did not give the following decrease of a natural gas volume to be burnt when the gas-supply channel was in a form of the diffusor.


gas burner, natural gas, heat transfer intensifier


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