Thermal resistance reduction of heat stabilizer by applying coating from micro- and nanoparticles in evaporator


Ivanov N. S.1*, Kuzma-Kichta Y. A.1**, Lavrikov A. V.1, Stenina N. A.2, Shtefanov Y. P.3, Prokopenko I. F.3

1. National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute”, 14, Krasnokazarmennaya str., Moscow, 111250 Russia
2. Moscow Power Engineering Institute (National Research University), 14, Krasnokazarmennaja St., Moscow, 111250, Russia
3. ,



Nano- and microporous coatings are being currently employed in various technical devices as a promising method for heat transfer increasing while phase transitions. Plans for Russia hampered due to the permafrost thawing. Thermo-siphons find application for soil thermal stabilization in permafrost regions, as well as for cooling electronics and space technology elements. The article presents a review of well-known studies in the field of heat transfer intensification and thermal resistance reduction of thermo-siphons and heat pipes. The presented work deals with the new technology development for the combined coating formation of aluminum oxide nanoparticles applied on a structured surface in the thermo-siphon evaporator. The authors proposed the technology for porous coating forming from nanoparticles with micro trenches, which is based on the processes of evaporation of colloid liquid from nanoparticles and acetone in the thermo-siphon evaporator. Data on the height of the capillary rise of water and acetone on the surface with the developed coating were obtained. The porous coating in the evaporator allows increasing the height of liquid rise from the lower generatrix to the upper one. Thermal resistance of the low-inclined thermo-siphon with evaporator with the porous coating with micro trenches was studied. The obtained data on thermal resistance of the improved thermo-siphon were compared with the well-known options. The article demonstrates the possibility for the thermo-siphon thermal resistance reduction up to three times by applying the developed coating into evaporator of the thermo-siphon.


thermo-siphon, capillary rise, porous coating, thermal resistance, nanoparticles


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