The effect of longitudinal and transverse pitch ratio on the heat transfer characteristics of staggered drop-shaped tubes bundle


Deeb R.

Damascus University, Syria, Damascus



The present work has been conducted to clarify the heat transfer across staggered drop-shaped tubes bundle at various longitudinal and transversal pitch ratios (the tubes bundle configures in 18 models). The investigation covers the effects of key design parameters of Reynolds numbers Re = (1.78–18.72)·103, longitudinal pitch ratios (1.44, 1.54, 1.64, 1.74, 1.84 and 2.04) and transversal pitch ratios (1.24, 1.44, 1.64 and 1.82). The results of this study show that, in contrast to the transversal pitch ratio, an increase in the longitudinal pitch ratio does not significantly affect the heat transfer. Among the investigated models, it was found that the highest effectiveness of the heat exchanger was achieved by the model «O» at Re = 1.78·103 and model «L» at Re > 1.78·103 (effectiveness values of «O» and «L» models were increased by 6.33% and 39.23‒73.78%, respectively, compared to model «A»). Correlations of the average Nusselt numbers and effectiveness for the studied models were presented.


drop-shaped tube, heat transfer, longitudinal pitch, transversal pitch, Nusselt number, effectiveness, CFD, Fluent


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