Heat resistance of solid inorganic glass cylinders


Kirichek V. A.

Taganrog institute named after A.P. Chekhov (Branch of the Rostov State University of Economics), Initsiativnaya str., 48, Taganrog, 347936, Russia

e-mail: Zhornik_Victoria@mail.ru


In the work, calculation of the heat resistance of continuous glass cylinders with surface microcracks is carried out. Its necessity is due to the fact that in previous works on the theoretical study of the glass cylinders’ heat resistance, without taking into account surface cracks, heat resistance distribution functions turned out to be much wider than experimental ones, although the average values of heat resistance coincided. Therefore, the problem of non-stationary thermoelasticity with a radial temperature distribution for a solid cylinder of unlimited length and with a load-free annular crack exiting on its surface is solved. This problem was reduced to an integral Fredholm equation of the second kind relative to some function that determines stress intensity factor (SIF) that controls surface annular crack development in a solid cylinder under cooling. SIF dependencies on time are obtained at different ring cracks’ sizes, it is shown that if the ring crack begins to grow, then it first grows jump-like to some intermediate value. Further it grows rеlatively slowly as temperature gradients develop and, at last, stops, without reaching cylinder axis (the cylinder burst). The solution of the above problem with respect to the heat resistance of glass cylinders showed that the growing surface ring-shaped crack presence, as well as the influence of the cooling medium (water) when it penetrates as a surface active into the top of the crack at a slow stage of development, lead to a good coincidence of the theoretical heat resistance distribution functions for such cylinders with experimental ones.


thermal conductivity, heat transfer, thermoelastic stresses, heat resistance


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