Experimental study of pressure losses in non-equilibrium two-phase flow


Krapivin I. I.1*, Belyaev A. V.1**, Varava A. N.1, Dedov A. V.2

1. National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute”, 14, Krasnokazarmennaya str., Moscow, 111250 Russia
2. Moscow Power Engineering Institute (National Research University), 14, Krasnokazarmennaja St., Moscow, 111250, Russia

*e-mail: KrapivinII@mpei.ru
**e-mail: belyaevalek@yandex.ru


The authors conducted the study on thermal conductivity coefficients and specific heat capacity of the four samples of polymer composite materials (PCM). The article sets the levels of the thermal conductivity coefficients and heat capacity and their dependence on temperature within the range from —20°C to 80°C. The values of thermal conductivity coefficients were from 0.26 to 0.54 W/(m∙K) for PEEK (Russia), TENAX-E TPCL PEEK-4-40-HTA40 E13 3K DT-5HS-285/04AB (Japan) thermoplastics, as well as for UMT-49/T-26 thermosetting plastic (Russia). This value was 0.14–0.165 for the Aranit RUSAR S600/T-26 (Russia) fibered thermosetting plastic. The obtained results may be applied to design and development of the systems employing the PCM as a structural material, as well as for technological parameters computing of these PCM production process. A database on the thermal conductivity coefficients and specific heat capacity may be formed based on the obtained results. These results will also allow conducting verification of the numerical models of thermal conductivity of the studied PCM with account for their structure.


pressure loss, small diameter channels, high reduced pressures, homogeneous flow pattern, split flow pattern


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