Soloviev S. L.*,
Kalyakin S. G.**,
Koshcheev A. V.***,
Shishov A. V.****,
Shandra V. I.*****,
Starodubtsev M. A.******,
Sedov M. K.*******
JS «VNIIAES», Ferganskaya st., 25, Moscow, Russian Federation, 109507
*e-mail: SLSoloviev@vniiaes.ru
**e-mail: SGKalyakin@vniiaes.ru
***e-mail: AVKoscheev@vniiaes.ru
****e-mail: AVShishov@vniiaes.ru
*****e-mail: VIShandra@vniiaes.ru
******e-mail: MAStarodubtsev@vniiaes.ru
*******e-mail: MKSedov@vniiaes.ru
As of now, the actual safety task of atomic power plants (APP) both in Russia and abroad consists in ensuring hydrogen explosion safety in the course of the accident development. One of the ways of the hydrogen explosion safety ensuring is application of the hydrogen passive catalytic recombiners (PHR). The article presents the PHR semi-empirical model developed on the basis of the PHR mass and energy conservation laws. This model is elaborated by the black box principle, and does not require large computational resources for parameters determining inside the recombiner. The system of ordinary differential equations, which solution may be realized in the form of a subroutine, executed on each computational step of the CFD problem, is being used the thermo-physical processes description inside the PHR. The advantage of this approach consists in the possibility of accounting for various mechanisms of heat exchange between the PHR internal elements. Recombiner of the RECO-3 installation, for which a wide set of experimental data is available, is being employed for the accuracy evaluation of the developed model. The simple geometry of this recombiner allows applying well-known empirical relations to describe the heat transfer characteristics of the elements of this model. The presented approach may be employed to create the industrial PHR models, which are being used in computing the processes of hydrogen removal while the accidents development inside the sealed volume of the NPP power unit.
passive autocatalytic recombiner (PAR), engineering model
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