About the application of simplified mathematical models complex at the initial stage of the interplanetary spacecraft thermal design


Bugrova A. D., Kotlyarov E. Y.*, Shabarchin А. F.**, Finchenko V. S.

Lavochkin Research and Production Association, NPO Lavochkin, 24, Leningradskay str., Khimki, Moscow region, 141400, Russia

*e-mail: evgeny-1@list.ru
**e-mail: shaf@laspace.ru


The example based on the rapid analysis of the payload temperature state of an interplanetary spacecraft intended for landing and operation on the surface of Venus, a purposeful application of a set of specially developed simplified thermal mathematical models is presented which were developed to estimate of the thermal control system main characteristics, as a spacecraft as a whole , as well as its constituent parts.

With the help of the computational experiments and analysises carried out in the article, the main initial data which is necessary for determination the composition and key performance of means of thermal control of the Venerian lander have been obtained. It is shown that during the whole operation of the spacecraft it is affected by external conditions that endure significant changes, which is why the project developers must use the very different and atypical technical solutions, to provide required thermal mode of payload and spacecraft equipment at all stages of operation.


lander, descent module, payload, temperature state, thermal control system, preliminary thermal analysis, thermal mathematical model, heat transfer units, operation stages


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