The effect of centrifugal mass forces on heat transfer in a spherical dimple on a surface of constant curvature


Shchukin A. V.1*, Bulanov O. Y.2, Il'inkov A. V.1**, Takmovtsev V. V.1***, V. 1, Antropov D. N.1

1. Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev, Kazan, Russia
2. Combustion Consulting, Moscow, Russia



Average heat transfer in a spherical dimple in turbulent flows was estimated from experiments. The dimple was mounted on a convex or concave surface of one-dimensional curvature, or on a flat surface. The Reynolds number, Red, ranged between 6·105 and 60·105. Comparative studies demonstrated that the average heat transfer in the spherical dimple mounted on the convex surface in turbulent flows is 20% lower than the one in the dimple located on the flat plate under otherwise equal conditions: (Nuconv/Nu0)Re ≈ 0.8. The average heat transfer in the spherical dimple on the concave surface in turbulent flows increases: (Nuconc/Nu0)Re ≈ 1.3. The average heat transfer in spherical dimples differs between the convex and concave surfaces due to centrifugal mass forces. Measurements of turbulence intensity in the spherical dimple provided qualitative validation of the results of heat transfer experiments.


heat transfer promoter, spherical dimple, physical experiment, convex and concave surfaces, average heat transfer, turbulence intensity


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