Borschev N. O.1*,
Antonov V. A.2
1. Leading Engineer of the Astrospace Center S.A. Lebedeva, 53, Leninskii av., Moscow, 119991, Russia
2. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
*e-mail: www.moriarty93@mail.ru
The increase in heat release in the spacecraft with a simultaneous increase in its size posed the problem of developing thermal control systems using a two-phase boiling coolant. In such coolants, heat is accumulated in the form of latent heat of vaporization, which makes it possible to transfer a much larger amount of heat per unit mass flow rate of the coolant than in the case of using single-phase coolants. In addition, the use of heat transfer during boiling makes it possible to maintain the temperature of objects almost throughout the entire length of the circuit close to the boiling temperature of the selected coolant. All heat transfer processes that occur when the state of aggregation of a substance changes, occur much more intensively than with conventional convective heat transfer, therefore, the mass of heat exchangers, fittings and control elements of a two-phase circuit (DFC) will be significantly less than their mass in a circuit with a single-phase coolant. A significant reduction in the mass of the system can also be achieved due to lower coolant flow, incomplete filling of the circuit, and small diameters of pipelines. Additional advantages of the DFC are due to the lower power consumption for pumping the coolant and the possibility of its autoregulation.
heat pipe, heat exchange, convection, thermal regime systems
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