Determination of thermal conductivity of polymers by the method of differential scanning calorimetry with temperature modulation


Khamidullin O. L.1*, Nizamiev R. R.1**, Balkaev D. A.2***, Amirova L. M.3****

1. Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev, Kazan, Russia
2. Kazan Federal University, 35, Kremlevskaya str., Kazan, 420008, Russia
3. Institute of Aviation, Land Transport and Energy, KNRTU-KAI, 10, K. Marx str., Kazan, 420111, Russia



This work was devoted to the analysis and testing of a new technique for determining the thermal conductivity of polymers by differential scanning calorimetry with temperature modulation. Determining the thermal conductivity of polymers is an important task facing engineers. To date, to determine the thermal conductivity of polymers, it is necessary to produce composite sample plates, which greatly increases the cost of measurements. However, this is not required for the method of differential scanning calorimetry with temperature modulation, since samples of several milligrams can be taken directly from the product, which is a great advantage of the method. In the course of the work, measurements of the thermal conductivity of various polymers and composites were performed. The undoubted advantage of the method is that measurements of the thermal conductivity of the composite can be carried out both in the longitudinal and transverse direction of reinforcement. However, the disadvantages of this method include the fact that the thermal conductivity of materials can be measured only in a very narrow temperature range from 0 to 90°C. This is due to the fact that at the moment either polystyrene or polymethylmethacrylate, which have low heat resistance, are used as a calibration material for thermal conductivity. It is possible that the replacement of these materials, for example, with refractory aluminum oxide Al2O3 can significantly increase the efficiency of the method. Also during the work it was revealed that to increase the accuracy of measurement, it is necessary to use clean laboratory gas and welldried samples.


thermal conductivity, temperature modulation, differential scanning calorimeter


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