Phase change material quantity analysis for lunar base thermal management system external loop


Belyavskiy A. E.




This article presents the results of the phase change material quantity analysis for efficient functioning of the lunar base thermal management system (TMS) external loop. It is known that it is not possible to ensure the removal of the necessary quantity of heat from the lunar base habitable pressurized module using the external hydraulic loop of the module, formed by analogy with the TMS external hydraulic loops of the long-term space habitable orbital stations Mir and the International Space Station for most regions of the Moon, except for the polar zones. A solution to the problem based on removing excess heat from the lunar base module during the lunar day into the heat accumulator followed by its rejection into outer space during the lunar night is proposed. The article suggests using the local lunar regolith resource as a basis for heat accumulator phase change material. A description of the thermophysical properties of regolith is given and ways to improve these are proposed. The results of calculating the quantity of heat that needs to be removed to the heat accumulator from the lunar base module, depending on the latitude and the region of its location, are presented. It is proposed to use a mixture of regolith and water as the phase change material of a thermal accumulator and calculations of the required phase change material mass depending on the latitude and region (sea or mainland) of the lunar base location are carried out. The purpose of this paper is to explore the parameters of a thermal accumulator with regolith-based phase change material to ensure the thermal mode of the lunar base located in the middle latitudes and the equatorial zone.


heat accumulator, regolith-based phase change material, lunar base, thermal management system


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