Filippov A. Y.1,
Filippov Y. P.2
1. National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute”, 14, Krasnokazarmennaya str., Moscow, 111250 Russia
2. Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, 141980, Russia
On the basis of a large array of experimental data and calculation methods, operation of a conical narrowing device, which is part of the three-phase separationless flow-meter «oil-water-gas» of nominal diameter DN 100, is analyzed. The component composition is defined in this case by means of a spectrometric dual-isotope gamma-densitometer. Involving the results of the study of simulating horizontal single-phase, two-phase and three-phase flows, an approach to define component flow rates is justified for the first time, considering the friction factor and the features of processes in the narrowing device (ND), in particular, the revealed a hydraulic resistance crisis in the ND for water–gas flows. The peculiarity of the approach is that when calculating the flow rate, the exponent at the value of the pressure drop across the ND is equal to 1/2 only for special cases of single-phase, two-phase and some three-phase flows, and in other cases, this exponent depends on the multiphase flow composition. Comparison with the experimental data for more than 200 combinations of the component composition of single-phase, two-phase and three-phase flows shows that the relative error in defining the flow rates does not exceed ±3 % for 88 % of the experimental points obtained for the volumetric flow rates of liquids from 20 to 56 m3/h, volumetric flow rate gas contents from 0 to 72% and water cuts of oil simulator from 0 to 100 %. Some details of the three-phase flow-meter design and measuring system are also presented.
flow rate, separationless flow-meter, three-phase flow, two-phase flow, gamma-densitometer, narrowing device, oil–water–gas
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