Altunin K. V.
Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev, Kazan, Russia
e-mail: altkonst881@yandex.ru
The article explores the electrostatic fields and deposit formation in a medium of liquid hydrocarbon such as kerosene. A review of references makes it possible to state that application of electric fields is an effective way of heat transfer intensification. The article highlights the problem of deposit formation. In general, deposit formation depends on many factors including a period of work of a heat engine or a power plant, a content of metal wall, temperature of a wall and fluid, geometry of channels, etc. It’s known that deposit formation may result in overheating a fuel-delivery system channel and other unpleasant outcome for heat engines or power plants. The existing methods of combating deposit formation are economically unprofitable and environmentally impractical. One of the promising ways to prevent and limit the further growth of carbon-containing deposits is the successful usage of electrostatic fields.
The analysis of scientific, technical and patent-licensed literature revealed the absence of a general method for calculating heat transfer during one-time processes, including electric convection, deposit formation. A dimensionless similarity number of deposit formation with influence of its thermal and electric nature was also not found which eventually could be effectively used to describe convective phenomena in different media.
The article presents diagrams of a working area with electrostatic fields and an experimental setup for studying the features of heat transfer to liquid hydrocarbon heat carriers under natural convection. The influence of electrostatic fields on the effective prevention of deposit formation in the kerosene medium and the intensification of heat exchange when using electrodes in the form of coaxial needles is considered.
The article, based on the analysis of dimensions, obtains two new similarity criteria including the number of electroconvection and the number of deposit formation. The generalization of experimental studies was made in the form of a new criterion equation based on the created similarity criteria of heat transfer and taking into account possible porosity of hydrocarbon deposits.
The new method for calculating the heat transfer coefficient under the combined influence of deposit formation and electric convection is presented here. The article contains formulas, figures and tables for a better understanding of the results of experimental and theoretical investigations.
The research results indicate that it is just possible to calculate accurately the Nusselt number and the heat transfer coefficient using new similarity criteria. The materials of the article can be used in the further calculations of heat transfer in different hydrocarbon media.
electric convection, similarity number, kerosene, sedimentation
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