Borschev N. O.*,
Deniskina A. R.**
Leading Engineer of the Astrospace Center S.A. Lebedeva, 53, Leninskii av., Moscow, 119991, Russia
*e-mail: www.moriarty93@mail.ru
**e-mail: dar@mai.ru
The presented work deals with the up-to-date subject of the spacecraft thermal mode developing employing circuit heat pipes, which operating principle is based on the evaporating-and-condensing cycle of the heat carrier. The advantage of this element consists in the thermal energy accumulation in the form of latent vapor-forming heat, which allows transferring much greater amount of heat per unit of coolant mass-flow rate than in the case of a single-phase heatcarriers application. Besides, heat exchanger employing while boiling allows sustaining the objects temperature practically along the entire length of the circuit close to the boiling temperature of the selected heat carrier. All heat transfer processes taking place while changing the aggregate state of the substance, are much more intensive than with the conventional convective heat exchange. Thus, the mass of heat exchanging units, fixtures and control organs of the two-phase circuit (TPC) will be much less than their mass in the single-phase heat-carrier circuit. Significant mass decrease of the system may be achieved as well by the less heat-carrier consumption, incomplete circuit fueling and small diameters of the pipelines. In addition, the presence of the extra heat sinkscondensers and evaporators will allow enhancing operational temperature range of the spacecraft instrumentation-propulsion equipment.
heat tube, heat exchange, convection, thermal mode ensuring systems
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