Thermal-vacuum studies on determining dynamic characteristics of long-length structures


Ermakov V. Y.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



Much attention is b eing p aid in space technology to the development of automatic space structures with precise control of their orientation in space. The current stage of the academic science development is being characterized by the fundamental research aimed at continuous and increasing replenishment of new scientific ideas and developments, and this is ensuring of high accuracy of the object stabilization underr conditions where the temperature range of operability is from minus 100 to plus 150 °C and a low pressure.

To achieve and solve, it is necessary to obtain a certain level of damping characteristics of nonrigid structures when operating under these conditions. To confirm and exclude the airflows impact on the values of natural frequencies and logarithmic decrements of vibrations of the long-length structures’ elements, solar panels in particular, frequency tests were performed in the vacuum chamber.

Analysis of the tests being performed revealed a significant change in the damping characteristics of a non-rigid long-length structure at various pressures in the vacuum chamber. Further, to ensure an increase in dissipative characteristics and fulfillment of the set requirements, vibration isolating devices were proposed to solve the formulated problem. Vibration protection criteria were formulated to confirm the specified indicators, and studies were conducted on the selection of damping devices. Magneto-fluidic vibration dampers appeared to be the most acceptable ones. A constructive model of a levitation type extinguisher, representing a housing, inside which a permanent magnet surrounded by a certain volume of magnetic fluid is placed, was selected. As the result of the experimental-mathematical modeling, the vibration dampener structure exhibited operability from 10–4 N to one newton. It functioned in the region of small amplitudes from 5.0·10—6 m to 1.0·10—2 m at the frequencies in the range of ~1—3 s—1, high efficiency in thermal vacuum tests and is proposed for their installation on standard products (on solar panels). It has been shown experimentally that the created samples of magnetic-liquid vibration dampers of the levitation type have limitations in performance at frequencies below 0.6 s—1 and above 10 s—1.


solar battery, vibration protection means, dynamic stability of the object, magnetofluidic vibration dampener, vacuum, temperature


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