Constructs of the onboard equipment ensuring heatsink and heat distribution under the space vacuum conditions


Shumskikh I. Y.

Space Rocket Centrе Progress, 18, Zemets str., Samara, 443009, Russia



The purpose of the presented work consists in creating a new standard for highly effective heat-removing structural solutions of the spacecraft onboard equipment, as well as issuing recommendations and methods on their application and possible further improvement.

For the set purpose achieving, the research tasks including theoretical calculations and modeling with the ANSYS Mechanical specialized software, as well as inventive tasks of the new constructive solutions design have been solved.

By the results of the research tasks solved, the article presents:

— Analysis of various heat-generating radioelements mounting options, with recommendations on their mounting;

— A method of width calculation of the PCB conductors operating under conditions of vacuum;

— An overview of the existing options of the spacecraft onboard equipment constructive solutions with various schemes of heat removal, such as parallel, consecutive and combined;

— An overview of additional structural solutions, including thermal bus and heat-conducting paste;

— Recommendations on the considered structural solutions application.

By the results of the inventive tasks solutions presented in the article, the constracts newly developed, patented, introduced into production, repeatedly produced, tested, and successfully operated as a part of spacecraft, where all three heat removing schemes, namely consecutive, parallel and combined, are presented. Competitive advantage of these constructive solutions over their analogs existing earlier is described. The article presents developed recommendations on the developed constructive solutions application, and provides the description of the essentially new elastic heat-conducting gasket.

Analysis of the market is being performed. The author presents economic justification of advantage and the analysis of the demand of the results of the done work. The possibility of the described work further development is pointed out.


spacecraft, spacecraft onboard equipment, thermal resistance, heat conductivity, vacuum


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