Experimental study of high-frequency ion thruster with discharge chamber operation imitation in the straight-flow mode


Gordeev S. V.*, Mel'nikov A. V.**, Khartov S. A.***

*e-mail: svyatoslavgordeev@mail.ru
**e-mail: k208@mai.ru
***e-mail: skhartov@ya.ru


The article presents description of the laboratory sample experimental study results of the high-frequency ion thruster with straight-flow configuration of the discharge chamber. Structural arrangement of the sample allowed media parameters creating in the operation area close to the conditions evolving while the straight-flow electrojet thruster operation on the low orbit. The studies were being performed at various transparency levels of the entrance boundary of the atmospheric gases inlet device. Diameter of the ion beam being extracted was 50 mm. Integral characteristics of the sample while its running from the bench power sources were obtained. With given standard size of the thruster the thrust of up to 1 mN was achieved when running on nitrogen. The experimental dependencies of the consumed high-frequency power on the working body flow rate for various values of the ion beam current presented in the article may be applied while designing the atmospheric gases intake device for such type of thrusters. The thermal state assessment of the discharge chamber state was performed as well. Maximum calculated temperature in the chamber was 770 K.


straight-flow electric engine, radio-frequency ion thruster, discharge chamber, ion-optical system, atmospheric gases intake device


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