The article represents a numerical analysis of a new energy separation method. By energy separation, the authors imply spontaneous gas flow separation into the two flows with stagnation temperatures higher and lower than the initial one («hot» and «cold»). One of the most famous devices, where the energy separation phenomenon is employed, is the Rank-Hilsch vortex tube. The method under consideration is based on the well-known effect of the stagnation temperature profile curvature over the boundary layer thickness, originated when a high-speed gas flows around an adiabatic surface. It is well known, that the higher the flow velocity and the more the Prandtl number differs from unity, the higher is the energy separation within the boundary layer. In a channel with a permeable wall, the part of the high-speed flow may be sucked out through the wall due to the natural or forced pressure drop. As the result, the flow stagnation temperatures at the channel outlet and the flow sucked out through the wall are different, namely, one is hotter and the other is colder, compared to the initial stagnation temperature.
The authors studied the injection/suction law impact on the energy separation based on the developed 2D numerical model. The two laws were considered, namely the Darcy-Forchhämer equation and the law of suction constant along the length.
Comparison of both local and integral energy separation characteristics was made. The article demonstrates that the best results were obtained in the case of constant suction along the channel length at the lowest possible initial stagnation pressure. The authors analyzed the efficiency of the device under consideration the same way as the vortex tube was.
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