Active development of aviation robotic systems leads to the complexity increase of the design and research processes of the said objects. The aerotechnics objects (ATO) being developed require solving the issues of increased external physical impacts, which entails setting complex mathematical problems requiring computation and big data analysis.
The authors propose the technique for heat transfer coefficients computing, realized in the Python programming language, employing toolkits for the data analysis, such as Pandas and Matplotlib. The Data Science toolkit application in technical studies significantly reduces computing time, searching and analysis of possible errors due to the ease of use of big data visualization tools, capability of reducing a data array to the convenient file format and syntactical simplicity of the programming language in use.
Temperature distribution on the ATO the parabolic surface, simulated by the computed values of the heat transfer coefficients demonstrates sufficient convergence with the result of the experiment.
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Poleznye funktsii Python [Useful Python Functions]. URL: of application: 02.02.2022). — informational site of MAI Copyright © 2009-2024 by MAI |