Specifics of carbonates thermal destruction studies in pelleted phosphorites while high-temperature firing


Orekhov V. A.*, Bobkov V. I.**

Branch of the National Research University Moscow Power Engineering Institute in Smolensk, Smolensk, Russia

*e-mail: fundukoff@mail.ru
**e-mail: vovabobkoff@mail.ru


The presented work studies the chemical-energy-technological process of carbonates destruction in phosphorite pellets with account for both thermal and technological specifics of the firing conveyor machines. Baking of pelleted phosphorite raw material was studied experimentally employing samples retaining their initial structure within the range of temperatures and heating rates in the acting firing conveyer machines. Significant temperature gradients origination in the samples under study associated with non-stationary heating conditions and impact of thermal effects of carbonates dissociation reaction, which limits the possibility of the non-isothermal kinetics conventional methods application for both type and parameters determining of kinetic equations, was substantiated experimentally. The interaction between heterogeneous endothermic transformations and thermo-physical baking conditions was revealed.


temperature, heating, phosphorite pellet, firing, sintering, carbonates destruction, material structure

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