Local and average heat transfer in a diffyser-type dimple at different angles of its installation


Il'inkov A. V.1*, Morenko I. V.2**, Takmovtsev V. V.1***, Zaripov I. S.1****, Popov I. A.1*****, Shchukin A. V.1******

1. Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev, Kazan, Russia
2. Institute of Mechanics and Engineering - Subdivision of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science “Kazan Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences” , Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia

*e-mail: ailinkov@mail.ru
**e-mail: morenko@imm.knc.ru
***e-mail: vvt379@rambler.ru
****e-mail: ilnar_z@bk.ru
*****e-mail: popov-igor-alex@yandex.ru
******e-mail: a.v.shchukin@rambler.ru


Experimental and numerical studies yielded the data on local and average heat transfer in a single diffuser-type dimple in turbulent air flows. The dimple was located on a plane surface and could be installed at different angles to the main flow β = 0 – 60°. The Reynolds number ReD was 4.62·104. Based on comparative studies, optimal angles were chosen (β = 45 – 60°), which provided the best enhancement of convective heat transfer with implementation of a single epicenter mechanism of self-organizing large-scale vortex generation. Satisfactory coincidence of numerical simulation and experiments was obtained in the range of recommended installation angles of diffuser-type dimple.


diffuser-type dimple, experimental and numerical studies, heat transfer enhancement, dimple inclination angle


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