Functioning models and comparative analysis of airframe cooling systems of a high-speed unmanned aerial vehicle


Guseynov A. B.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



In the paper, mathematical models of the functioning of cooling systems of structural elements (airframe) of a high-speed unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). The basics of the methodology for the formation of the appearance, preliminary design, the results of determining the main characteristics and parameters of the aircraft with a given technical requirement are described. Estimates of the airframe thermal fields and heat transfer coefficients at separate points along the length of the hull are given. Possible options of cooling systems and the application areas in terms of thermal efficiency are considered. Mathematical models of the functioning of the cooling systems of an aircraft airframe convective with a liquid coolant and cooling are presented. The efficiency of cooling systems during the flight of a high-speed UAV in the final section was analyzed according to the criterion “the required mass of the cooling system to providing the required temperature”.


high-speed aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicle, designing, thermal field, airframe cooling, cooling systems


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