Thermal State Analysis of the Near-Tract Cavities of the First Stage of the High-Pressure Turbine of the 24 Tons Thrust Aviation Gas Turbine Engine


Yurtaev A. A.*, Benedyuk M. A.**, Badykov R. R.***, Senchev M. N.****

Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev, Samara, Russia



The purpose of the presented work consists in thermal state analysis performing of the near-tract cavities of the high-pressure turbine (HPT) first stage of the 24 tons thrust aviation gas-turbine engine (GTE). Disks of the turbines are highly loaded GTE parts, thus exact determination of the loads acting on them as well as methods for their reduction are an important and up-to-date problem while aviation engine developing. Thermal gas-dynamic computation was performed with the Ansys-CFX software. 3D-models of nozzle assembly blades and impeller the HPT first stage and near-tract areas prior and aft disk of the studied stage were developed. Finite-element (FE) models were created in the ICEM CFD module. To increase the computation accuracy the values of the flow velocity in the boundary layer were refined, and the values of y+ and minimum height of the first element in the near-wall layer. Boundary conditions and working medium characteristics, namely of the hot gas fed to the engine combustion chambers, were set in the CFX module. The authors computed values of the dimensionless value e, representing the cooling depth of stator, and rotor disk. Stationary gas-dynamic computation was performed for studying the inflowing of the flow from the turbine air-gas channel to the near-tract area. The non-stationary computation was performed and comparison with the stationary computation was made as well. As the result, the exact values of the cavity walls temperature were obtained, which allow estimating the effectiveness of the turbine cooling system. The stationary and non-stationary computations comparison reveals that gas inflowing from the air-gas channel is being observed as the result of non-stationary computation, which causes temperatures rise in the inflowing area and cavity walls.


Turbofan bypass engine, high-pressure turbine, near-tract area, cooling depth coefficient, cooling system, CFD-computation


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