Wetting and condensation studying on the horizontal pipe with coating


Kuzma-Kichta Y. A.*, Ivanov N. S.**, Chugunkov D. V.

National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute”, 14, Krasnokazarmennaya str., Moscow, 111250 Russia

*e-mail: kuzma@itf.mpei.ac.ru
**e-mail: ivanovniks@mpei.ru


Increased safety requirements are being placed to the designed High-Temperature Gas-cooled Reactors while WWER class reactor facilities (RF) operation. In case of light-water RF accidents caused by the reactivity surge or coolant loss, the heat-producing elements are being heated up to 850–950 °C. The increased helium pressure with gas fission products (133Xe, 89Kr, 135I) under the cladding determines the fuel element tightness. On the accident progression and temperature rise up to 1500—2000°C the overheated steam in conjunction with hydrogen will significantly affect the active zone degradation. The multi-component mixtures properties clarification is up-to-date for these conditions. The GasProp software presented in the article allows predicting thermodynamic and kinetic properties of both individual gases and mixtures based on virial expansion of the real gas state equation and inferences of molecular-kinetic theory.


wetting, contact angle, nanoparticles, hydrophobicity, hydrophilicity


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