Thermal insulation design forming for thermostatting of the unmanned aerial vehicles functioning under arctic temperature conditions


Maskaykin V. A.

GNPP "Region", 13a, Kashirskoe shosse, Moscow, 115230, Russia



The article is devoted to the up-to-date task of increasing thermal insulation properties of the unmanned aerial vehicles being operated at the extreme temperatures. Theoretical studies on forming a low thickness heat-insulating structure, ensuring high heat-insulation indices, are being conducted by the design method. Optimal heat-insulation scheme and characteristics of materials including in it are being determined by conducting theoretical study on the heat transfer of various multi-layer heat-insulating structures with of various characteristics variation of its materials. Comparative analysis of analogues, employed as heat isolation materials of the aircraft with the heat-insulating structure considered in this work, is being performed. Theoretical study of the heat exchange of various heat-insulating structures is being conducted by numerical finite-difference method. Optimal heat-insulating structure ensuring high indicators of heat insulation at small thickness was developed by the results of theoretical study. The pros and contras of the heat-insulating structure being considered on this work compared to their counterparts employed in the aircraft were revealed.


thermostatting of unmanned aerial vehicles, Arctic temperature conditions, thermal insulation materials, multilayer thermal insulation structure, bidirectional rectangular reinforcement scheme, non-stationary thermal conductivity


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