An overview on thermal exchange and crisis of heat transfer release in the annular channels with flow swirl


Boltenko E. A.

Joint Stock Company «Electrogorsk Research and Engineering Center on NPP safety» (JSC «EREC»), Saint Constantine str., 6, Electrogorsk, Moscow region, 142530 Russia


The article presents an overview on the works concerning heat transfer and crisis of heat release in the annular channels with the swirl, and with the swirl and a transit flow. The author shows that three regions are being distinguished on the concave surface. Significant critical heat flux (CHF) increase exists in the first region, compared to the smooth channel. Critical heat flux decreases in the third region with the steam content increase. The second region is transitional one. Two regions are being distinguished on a convex surface. In the first area, the CHFs are slightly lower or equal to the ones for the smooth channel. In the second region, drastic fall of the CHF exists at the insignificant steam content increase. In this area herewith the critical steam content is practically independent from the heat flux density. The CHF for the annular channels with the swirl and transit flux and on both concave and convex surfaces is much higher than the respective CHF values for both smooth annular channel and annular channel with swirl. The article presents the dependencies for the heat transfer coefficients and critical heat fluxes determining on convex and concave heat releasing surfaces for both annular channel and annular channel with swirl.


heat transfer crisis, a swirl, swirl and a transit flow


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