Prospective thermal probes for Lunar soil properties studying


Alifanov O. M.*, Dudkin K. K.**, Netelev A. V.***, Chernova L. M.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



The article considers two versions of the thermal probes design, which allow measurements in a low thermal conductivity media. Lunar soil is of extremely low thermal conductivity coefficient. Minimal effect of the structure on the temperature field pattern should be ensured while thermal probes design. To evaluate the proposed structures operability, comparison of the temperatures at the installation points of the thermo probe measuring elements were performed both with the account for the effect of the structure and without it. Thermal probe functioning simulation was implemented with the ANSYS software. Simulation results confirmed the operability of the probe designes with high thermal resistance of the structure.


thermal probe, simulation modeling, soil thermo-physical properties of the, design efficiency evaluation


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