Computations of spectral emissivity of the furnace gases were performed for the conditions of the Kuznetsk coal flaring in the furnace of the BKZ-210-140F steam boiler. Theoretical dependencies of the emissivity on the temperature for the CO2 absorption band (4.24 μm). Temperature registration of the furnace gases is performed at various heights of the boiler furnace with the pyrometer, perceiving emission in the CO2 band. The experimental dependencies of measured temperatures on the emissivity set on the pyrometer within the interval of 0.5–1 were plotted. The “Temper” program developed by the authors allows determining temperature of the furnace gases by the CO2 absorption band in the BKZ-210-140F steam boiler while solid fuels birning (coal and turf).
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Kuzmin V.A., Zagrai I.A., Shmakova N.A., Adekov A.L. Software registration certificate no. 2021667438 of the Russian Federation. Temper. no. 2021667015 (2021). — informational site of MAI Copyright © 2009-2024 by MAI |