Convective heat transfer in fibrous materials


Volkov D. P.1*, Юрий Y. P.2**, Pilipenko N. V.2***

1. Saint Petersburg University of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, Saint Petersburg, Moskovsky prospekt, 149, 196105, Russia
2. ITMO University, 49, Kronverkskiy av , St. Petersburg, 197101, Russia



The article presents experimental and theoretical study of the fibrous materials effective thermal conductivity at the elevated pressure (up to 150∙105 Pa) of the filler-gas. The authors studied the effect of temperature difference on the layer at the porous material, porosity, fibers diameter and the fluid type in the pores on the effective thermal conductivity of the porous material. The article demonstrates that convective transfer elimination requires employing the materials with minimum diameter of fibers (d < 100 μm) and porosity not exceeding 95 %.


porosity of fibrous material, effective thermal conductivity, pressure of fluid in pores, convection, porous material permeability


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