Internal heat exchange effect on the thermal decomposition of carbonates in the phosphorus-containing raw materials


Orekhov V. A.*, Bobkov V. I.**

Branch of the National Research University Moscow Power Engineering Institute in Smolensk, Smolensk, Russia



The article considers the effect of Phosphorus-Containing Raw Materials heating rate on the chemical-energy-technological processes of carbonates thermal dissociation being in progress while its high-temperature firing. The study was being conducted for the temperature ranges of the existing roast and sintering machines with account for microkinetics of the baking processes. Significant effect of the phosphatic rocks samples heating rate on the carbonates thermal decomposition kinetics was revealed. The authors proposed mathematical model that allows accounting for the wide range of kinetic equations parameters changing of chemical-energy-technological processes of carbonates dissociation. A series of computational experiments aimed at revealing dependencies between the phosphor-containing ore samples heating rate and evolution of carbonates concentration fields, transformation rate and temperature gradients was performed. The results of the study may be applied for elaborating optimal functioning modes of sintering and firing machines from the viewpoint energy-resource effectiveness.


phosphorus-containing ore, ore enrichment, firing, dissociation of carbonates, temperature, thermal decomposition, heat-mass exchange


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