Rebrov S. G.*,
Golubev V. A.**,
Golikov A. N.***,
A. ,
Morgunov A. E.****
State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation “Keldysh Research Center”, Moscow, Russia
*e-mail: rebrov_sergey@mail.ru
**e-mail: golubev.va@mail.ru
***e-mail: andgolikov@mail.ru
****e-mail: morgunov.alex@inbox.ru
The tests on the resistance determining of subassemblies containing transparent windows under the impact of heat flows characteristic for the combustion chamber operation of the liquid-propellant rocket engine. The options of the subassemblies implementing with the optical window by either soldering or the window pressing-in by the metal hub are tried. The effect of protective elements of various structural design applying on enhancing optical subassemblies resistance to the high heat flows impact was studied. The results of the tests allowed selecting the optical subassembly structures and protective element ensuring the optical window resistance under the impact of the heat flow of the 6 MW/m2 level.
heat flow, optical window, combustion chamber, liquid propellant rocket engine, heat flow sensor, laser ignition
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