Topological and physico-chemical analysis of deposits on the heat exchange equipment working surfaces


Lasitsa A. M.1*, Batrakov P. A.1**, Averchenko A. P.1***, Peshko M. S.1****, Poleschenko K. N.2*****, Semenyuk N. A.1

1. Omsk State Technical University, 11, prospect Mira, Omsk, 644050, Russia
2. The Siberian State Automobile and Highway University, Omsk, Russia, prospect Mira, 5, 644080



The article considers the process of deposits forming on the walls of the heat exchange equipment. The elemental composition and structure of the deposits have been studied by the X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRF) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Analysis of physical and chemical processes contributing to the deposits formation was performed. The authors suggest considering the deposits forming process as the heat exchanging equipment surface topology changing process, and employ the fractal dimensionality as the qualitative characteristic of the said process. Integral equation describing the deposits forming process was obtained within the framework of the linear model.


corrosion deposits, heat exchange equipment, corrosion kinetics, topological models, fractal analysis


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