Stationary thermal-mechanical processes physical and numerical modeling in the piston engine exhaust system


Plotnikov L. V.*, Desyatov K. O.**, Davydov D. A.***, Krasilnikov D. N.****

Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, 19, Mira str., Ekaterinburg, 620002, Russia



The article considers the exhaust system improvement of the piston engine by mathematical modeling and experimental studies of gas-dynamic and heat exchange characteristics of gas flows. The laboratory experiments revealed that profiled channels application in the exhaust system led to the turbulence intensity reduction up to 25%, and heat release suppression up to 10–21% compared to the basic configuration. The article demonstrates the existence of qualitative agreement of the results of mathematical modeling and experimental studies.


piston engine, exhaust system, profiled channels, stationary turbulent flow, turbulence intensity, local heat transfer, modeling and experiment


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