Studying pulsations of local thermal flow density while condensation on a pipe with hydrophobic coating


Kuzma-Kichta Y. A.*, Lavrikov A. V., Ivanov N. S.**, Gorbachev D. V.

National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute”, 14, Krasnokazarmennaya str., Moscow, 111250 Russia



The authors studied both heat transfer and pulsations of the heat flux local density during condensation on a pipe with a hydrophobic coating. The local heat flux and its fluctuations were measured by gradient thermometry methods. The article presents data on heat transfer and flux local density fluctuations while its condensation on a pipe with a hydrophobic coating and computational results of the heat flux condensation on a pipe with hydrophobic coating within the range of heat loadings of 125–170 kW/m2, gas contents of 12–30% and pressures of 52–55 kPa. It is revealed that with the water steam condensation on the pipe with coating, amplitude pulsations of the heat flux local density and spectrum energy are being decrease with gas content increasing. Both amplitude and energy pulsations of the heat flux local density are greater for the pipe with coating than for the one without it.


heat transfer during condensation, gradient heat logging, sensors of heat flow local density, time thermograms, local heat flow density fluctuation spectra, hydrophobic coating


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