Flow structure visualization in the reverse-flow vortex tube


Piralishvili S. A., Veretennikov S. V., Tryapina V. A.

Rybinsk State Aviation Technical University named after P.A. Soloviev, RSATU, 53, Pushkin St., Rybinsk, Yaroslavl region, 152934, Russia


The reverse-flow swirling currents are widely applied to intensify the processes of heat and mass transfer, as well as for the various types of fuel combustion. The temperature stratification realization, i.e. ener gy separation effect, in such flows allows further efficiency increasing of vortex devices. As of today, there is no generally accepted physico-mathematical model, describing phenomena occurring in the vortex tube. It is stipulated mainly by complexity of the reverse-flow gas flowing structure in the energy separation chamber, which apprehension may be of significant help for the vortex effect theory development. The article considered flow specifics in the reverse-flow vortex tube revealed as the result of air and water flow visualization while varying operating conditions. The vortex helical structures are being formed in the zone of near-axis and peripheral flows and can pulsate for the account of the gyroscopic mechanism.


swirling flow, vortex effect, energy separation, Ranque-Hilsch vortex tube


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