Experimental study of the droplets’ movement under the Leidenfrost effect on highly overheated metal strings


*, Dmitriev A. S., Artamonov A. V., Drozdov A. P.

Moscow Power Engineering Institute (National Research University), 14, Krasnokazarmennaja St., Moscow, 111250, Russia

*e-mail: MakarovPG@mpei.ru


The article is dedicated to the behavior of water droplets placed between two parallel heated metal strings, the distance between which is comparable to the linear size of the drop. Strings are heated by the Joule heating effect to temperatures exceeding critical temperatures of nucleate and film boiling – 100 and 220–250 °C, respectively. Various configurations of side surface of strings were tested: smooth and with winding (intermittent and continuous). Experiments have shown that these types of surfaces do not cause rapid boiling of droplets or its falling. Behavior of droplets in such systems can be described as levitating: either stationary or with directional movement, depending on surface structure and/or temperature. Numerous experiments have shown that this phenomenon is very similar to the Leidenfrost effect on a flat overheated surface.


Leidenfrost effect, thin strings, surface morphology, levitation mechanism, vaporous layer


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