Theoretical studying results of thrust increasing of the annular nozzle with a flat central body


Kirshina A. A.*, Levikhin A. A., Kirshin A. Y.

Baltic State Technical University “VOENMEH ” named after D.F. Ustinov, 1, 1st Krasnoarmeyskaya str., Saint Petersburg, 190005, Russia



The article considers the problems concerning the rocket engine specific energy characteristics enhancingare by ensuring the rated operating mode of the nozzle in a wide range of the ambient pressure variation. One of the possible ways to this problem solution consists in employing the nozzles with a free jet boundary based on an annular nozzle with a flat central body, which structure optimization with the numerical experiment methods is exceedingly labor-intensive process that requires a large number of computations. The purpose of the presented work consisted in developing an engineering technique for constructing a gasdynamic profile of an annular nozzle with a central body. The said technique verification was performed by comparing the obtained results with the simulation results by the ANSYS Fluent software package. All in all recommendations on the optimal gas-dynamic profile constructing of an annular nozzle with a flat central body were formulated.


annular nozzle with a flat central body, Tarasov — Levin nozzle, rocket engine, outlet unit, propulsion performances


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