Simulation of gas dynamics in the GTE combustion chamber taking into account the asymmetry of the velocity profile down the compressor


Noskova K. R.*, Guryanov A. I., Guryanova M. M., Koshkin V. I.

Rybinsk State Aviation Technical University named after P.A. Soloviev, RSATU, 53, Pushkin St., Rybinsk, Yaroslavl region, 152934, Russia



A new technique for numerical simulation of the combustion chamber of a gas turbine engine is proposed, taking into account the gas dynamics of the flow behind the compressor with an asymmetric velocity profile. The calculation results showed that when an asymmetric velocity diagram is formed behind the compressor (K > 1 or K < 1), the gas-dynamic efficiency in the flow path decreases in the combustion chamber and the necessary stability of the processes is violated. Due to the distortion of the input diagram in the region K > 1 and K < 1, the total pressure losses increase in the annular channels, the front device by 1,5–1,6 times the total losses in the chamber, in contrast to the case of a symmetrical profile (K = 1). The coefficient of hydraulic losses in the chamber increases by 2,3 times at K = 0,64, when at K = 1 it takes the smallest value. The efficiency of introducing a symmetrical profile into the computational region at the inlet to the combustion chamber is proved, which allows minimizing total pressure losses and hydraulic losses.


combustion chamber, asymmetric velocity profile behind the compressor, gas dynamics, hydraulic losses


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