Methods to increase Leontiev tube efficiency


Khazov D. E.1*, Medvetskaya N. V.1, 2

1. Moscow State University, Institute of Mechanics,
2. Joint Institute for High Temperatures of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 13, Izhorskaya str., Moscow, 125412, Russia



A.I. Leontiev in 1997 proposed a device for machineless energy separation, which later be- came known as the Leontiev tube. The device is a heat exchanger of the pipe-in-pipe type, in which the flow flows through one channel at supersonic speeds, and through the other at subsonic speeds. The channels are separated by a heat-conducting wall. The work discusses the operation of such a device. Based on a one- dimensional model, the influence of the value of the temperature recovery factor on the value of energy sepa- ration (the difference in stagnation temperatures at the outputs and input to the device) is shown. A review of available experimental data on the influence of the pressure gradient (flow behind the backward-facing step) in supersonic gas flows on the temperature recovery factor is carried out. Two-dimensional numerical models of supersonic turbulent flow around the return step are constructed. The models were validated using available experimental data.


energy separation, compressible flows, temperature recovery factor, backward-facing step


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