Gradient heat-metering while firebox processes monitoring


Mityakov V. Y.*, Proskurin V. , Sapozhnikov S. Z., Pavlov A. V., Bobylev P. G.**

Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, 29, Polytechnicheskaya str., St. Petersburg, 195251, Russia



The article presents two methods of the gradient heat-metering application for firebox processes monitoring, allowing determine the heat flux density on the surfaces of the screening pipes and in the firebox space of the boiler in the real time mode without penetrating the high-pressure circuit. The experiments with the operating DKVR-10-13 boiler were conducted both with the heterogeneous sensors of the heat flow at the screening pipes and with the tubular water-cooled probe with heterogeneous gradient sensor of the heat flow. The authors considered pros and contras of the presented approaches and drew inferences of their applicability. Gradient heat-metering as a new firebox processes monitoring method will allow diagnosing the combustion apparatus faults, determining the most heat-stressed firebox zones and optimizing the boiler operation.


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