An experimental study of passive heat removal from the dry spent nuclear fuel storage chamber at the different parameters of environment


Kazyulin A. N.1, 2*, Yashchuk A. A.2

1. Mining and Chemical Complex, 53, Lenina str., Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk region, 662972, Russia
2. Tomsk State University, 36 Lenin Ave., Tomsk, Tomsk region, 634050, Russia



Due to the transition of Russian nuclear power plants to the use of fuel with increased initial enrichment, it becomes necessary to accept spent nuclear fuel with higher heat generation for storage. To assess the possibility of receiving “hotter” spent nuclear fuel, relative to the one already in storage, a preliminary study of the passive heat removal from the storage is necessary. A convenient method of evaluation is a theoretical study using a computational model. The paper describes the results of an experimental study of the parameters at the control points of the VVER-1000 spent nuclear fuel dry storage chamber, depending on the environmental parameters at different seasons of the year.


natural convection, spent nuclear fuel, dry storage of spent nuclear fuel, heat release of spent nuclear fuel, heat removal


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