Mathematical model of interaction of a low-temperature plasma of an electric propulsion thruster with the surface of a radiation-charged dielectric


Valiullin V. V.*, Nadiradze A. B.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



In this paper, we present a mathematical model of the interaction of low-temperature plasma generated during the operation of electric propulsion thruster with the surface of radiation-charged dielectric materials of high-orbit spacecraft. The aim of the work is to study the mechanisms of such interaction, as well as to assess the probability of electrical breakdown of a dielectric when plasma appears above its surface. The proposed model is based on well-known and proven models of Fitting describing the charging and relaxation of nonequilibrium charges in dielectrics. The kinetics of relaxation of the embedded electron charge during the formation of a large number of holes in the near-surface layers of the material immediately after the appearance of plasma is described within the framework of the flat capacitor model. We have compiled a balance of currents on the plates of this capacitor. We took into account charge generation currents, charge capture current on the traps of the dielectric crystal lattice, the current of injection of low-temperature plasma ions into the dielectric and the current of generation of secondary holes in the subsurface layer during ion-electron emission from the surface. In addition, the current balance includes currents of recombination of charge carriers opposite in sign, the current of release of charge carriers from traps by the Poole-Frenkel mechanism and the current of electrical conductivity due to radiation-induced electron-hole pairs in the material. These currents form the surface charge density of the capacitor plates and affect the value of the dielectric surface potential and the field strength between the charged layers. The presented model allowed us to obtain data on the relaxation time of the embedded charge, as well as to answer the question about the possibility of electrical breakdown of the dielectric at the moment of plasma appearance at its surface.


radiation-charged dielectric, low-temperature plasma, relaxation of electric charge, model of a flat capacitor


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