A Study of the Influence of Solid Pins on the Heat Transfer Characteristics of a Finned Tube


Deeb R. 1, 2

1. National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute”, 14, Krasnokazarmennaya str., Moscow, 111250 Russia
2. Damascus University, Syria, Damascus

e-mail: deeb@mpei.ru


This article presents an experimental and numerical investigation into the impact of pins on the heat transfer characteristics of finned tubes. Circular and drop-shaped fins arranged in-line arrangement were studied and compared with a smooth tube. The study covers a Reynolds number range of Re = 7,03×103 –5,17×103. Contours of turbulent kinetic energy and temperature were depicted and discussed. The results revealed that the average Nusselt number for tubes with drop-shaped and circular pin-fins was approximately 50,03–93,1 % and 59,59–77,08 % higher, respectively, compared to the smooth tube. The effectiveness ε of tubes with drop-shaped and circular pin-fins exceeded that of the smooth tube by 2,93–54,89 % and 7,33–37,1 %, respectively. Correlations are provided to estimate the average Nusselt number and effectiveness for finned tubes. It was demonstrated that the adoption of tubes with drop-shaped pins significantly contributes to energy conservation.


drop-shaped tube, finned tube, heat exchanger, Nusselt number, experimental study, CFD


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