Сrystallization front movement control when welding polyethylene pipes at low temperatures


Starostin N. P., Ammosova O. A.*

Federal Research Center “The Yakut Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences”, Yakutsk,Russia

*e-mail: ammosova_o@mail.ru


Existing welding machines allow connections of polyethylene pipes for gas pipelines with built-in heaters in temperatures ranging from –10 to 40 °C. In this work, we propose controlling the crystallization of the material of the weld zones and the heat-affected zone by using a built-in heater when welding at temperatures below the permitted range. We present the results of solving the inverse problem of controlling the crystallization of welded materials using temperature data at fixed points are presented. It is shown that the movement of the crystallization front in a time-varying permitted range is ensured by controlling the thermal regime.


thermal regime, embedded heater, crystallization, inverse problem, heat affected zone, weld zone


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