Engineering methodology for design evaluation of hydraulic shock parameters when shut-off valves are triggered in pipelines of liquid rocket propulsion systems


Diesperov N. V.1*, Myakochin A. S.2**

1. Salyut Machine-Building Production Association of the Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center, Moscow, Russia
2. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



Approaches to the calculation of hydrostrikes in the refueling lines of launch vehicles and upper stages during ground preparation for launch are considered, taking into account the complexities of the geometry and location. On the basis of the MakCormack method, a mathematical model is formed and an assessment of the hydrostrikeis evaluated by characteristics method. The obtained solution is compared with more simplified methods (Zhukovsky formula) so with the results of the experiment. The dependences for the peak values of the pressure and velocity of the fuel component at the end of refueling and closing the valves are obtained. This model can be used for preliminary engineering assessments at the stage of development and maintenance of space technics.


boiling, drainage system, in-tank processes, mathematical modeling, the bulk temperature, swelling


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