Analysis of experiments on studying condensation induced water hammer in the emergency injection pipeline into the pressurizer


Churkin A. N., Kryzhanovsky V. I., Bykov M. A., Posysaev D. A., Baisov A. M.*, Kucherova V. V.




The report gives brief description of the experiments conducted at OKB GIDROPRESS JSC on studying conditions of condensation induced water hammer emergency in the emergency injection pipeline into the pressurizer of the VVER-1200 and VVER-TOI reactor. It presents the results of the experiments computational modeling, accomplished with the KORSAR/GP software for the analysis of the processes proceeded in the pipeline as well. The report confirms the capability of the program to predict the closed vapor cavities origination, which are the mandatory condition for the condensation induced water hammer occurrence, and notes the necessity of further improvement of the computational model as applied to the condensation induced water hammer analysis problems.


VVER, pressurizer, emergency injection pipeline, condensation induced water hammer, KORSAR/GP


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